A Full Summer

A Full Summer

Dear Readers, You might have noticed I have not been posting much this month.  Well, this has been for good reason!  I am in New Hampshire at Antioch University working on the first bit of my Masters of Waldorf Education. I am taking the summer sequence program. While...
Shhhh. . .

Shhhh. . .

Driving to my school today to get some work done, I felt this amazing sense of gratitude.  I am feeling so blessed by all of you.  I can not begin to express my appreciation and joy for your support.   I am going to offer a FREE e-workshop as an expression of my...
My Best Friend, I Miss You

My Best Friend, I Miss You

Today, it hit me.  My sweet daughter has been given another chance at life with the amazing drugs for MS.  I am on my knees in gratitude.  Lizzie is walking with a cane, back at work this week and improving daily.  While there are still impairments, her quality of...
With Deep Gratitude

With Deep Gratitude

I am so grateful to report to you that Lizzie is improving!  She has been home now for three weeks and we have already seen great progress!  It is amazing!  She has gone from being wheelchair bound to using a walker.  In fact, yesterday she held her father's arm and...