Reggio Inspired: Hanging Art

You are currently reading our archived blog. While these older posts may not reflect our current vision and direction, we encourage you to visit our new website at to explore our latest, updated content. There, you'll find a wealth of valuable articles,...
Reggio Inspired: Families

Reggio Inspired: Families

There were some wonderful ideas for incorporating the families' presence in the classroom environment at Rosa Parks Preschool.  I think it is so comforting and homey for the children to see their families displayed in the classroom.  It makes a strong statement of...
Reggio Inspired: Birthday Traditions

Reggio Inspired: Birthday Traditions

In these Reggio inspired classrooms – each room develops its own birthday tradition.  Here is one classroom's documentation on how the traditions are formed:  A peek at birthday traditions:  IDEA 1:  I adore this idea!  Notice in the first photo there are empty...