DIY White Boards – so CHEAP!

DIY White Boards – so CHEAP!

You are currently reading our archived blog. While these older posts may not reflect our current vision and direction, we encourage you to visit our new website at to explore our latest, updated content. There, you'll find a wealth of valuable articles,...
Green Eggs and Ham Writing Project

Green Eggs and Ham Writing Project

One of my colleagues, Amber Hatch, (who is a talented curriculum designer) came up with the best idea.  (And it is super easy!)  The children made their own “green” egg.  Each child wrote “I do not like. . .” and a food they do not like using...
My Silly Whacky Word Machine

My Silly Whacky Word Machine

I do not know how nonsense word practice goes for you (if you, too, are a part of the DIBELS parade) but some years my kinders can't wrap their brains around it.  (I have very mixed feelings about how appropriate this is, as well.)  This year – I have a group of...
The Sight Word Wallet

The Sight Word Wallet

This is a simple and fun way to encourage and celebrate sight word knowledge!   It is a whole lot easier than the sight word gems!   I went to a Dr. Jean workshop and came back with a bunch of good ideas! This is one of them! The “wallet” is made out of a...