Red Birds in Snow

Red Birds in Snow

This is an art project I did at the local museum.  I used the extra large black construction paper (24 x 36) which gave it such a “wow” factor.  We painted this in three stages: Drew and painted the bird.  Let it dry. (Used oil pastels to draw the bird.)...
DIY Clipboards

DIY Clipboards

I don't know about you but I love having a clipboard for every child in my class but holy moly that can get expensive! Well, I ran into someone  (Stacy)  who came up with a DIY version and I couldn't wait to share the goodness! WHAT YOU WILL NEED: bulldog clips or...
The Shape Robots

The Shape Robots

This is a great project for practicing the major lines in handwriting.  This robot is constructed using shapes and lines.  This helps develop visual perceptual skills, eye-hand coordination, and fine motor control.  I think it is very important to develop a climate of...
Drawing Castles

Drawing Castles

This last week, I lead my kinders in drawing castles.  I adapted my original drawing instructions (see below) by adding extra towers to each side.  I demonstrated how to draw stones and bricks on the castle.  The children loved it!  
Drawing An Owl

Drawing An Owl

This week (and next) I am teaching at Philbrook Museum Art Camp.  One of my co-workers, Aubree, lead the children in this wonderful drawing of an owl.  Isn't it cute?! Draw a large oval.  Add two curved lines. Draw an upside down triangle. Draw two large circles for...