New E-Book!

New E-Book!

  NEW E-Book!  Ever-Changing Environments: A Pictorial Overview of Materials and Design at Rosa Parks Early Childhood Education Center!  ON SALE! Inside the pages of this ebook you will find hundreds of gorgeous full-color photographs of Rosa Parks Early...
Reggio Inspired: Birthday Traditions

Reggio Inspired: Birthday Traditions

In these Reggio inspired classrooms – each room develops its own birthday tradition.  Here is one classroom's documentation on how the traditions are formed:  A peek at birthday traditions:  IDEA 1:  I adore this idea!  Notice in the first photo there are empty...
More Reggio Inspiration!

More Reggio Inspiration!

My New Calendar System: I love the black background and how lovely the board looks with child writing! Here is a view of my new calendar area.  When I changed the board from January to February, I realized I needed to put up a system that would not tear up the...