A Full Summer

A Full Summer

Dear Readers, You might have noticed I have not been posting much this month.  Well, this has been for good reason!  I am in New Hampshire at Antioch University working on the first bit of my Masters of Waldorf Education. I am taking the summer sequence program. While...
Oh So Lovely!

Oh So Lovely!

I have found the most amazing needle felted artist, Daria, on Etsy.   I ordered Mother Earth for my nature table.  It is more beautiful than it is in these photos.  Her talent is extraordinary!  If you are looking for nature table dolls – I recommend checking...
The Sense of Taste

The Sense of Taste

There are two main ways we take in the world – through the sense of taste (food) and through the impressions of our senses of the outside world.   All eating is a communion.   Through the sense of taste we differentiate between the different kinds of tastes and...
Saturday Senses – The Sense of Balance

Saturday Senses – The Sense of Balance

The lower four senses are probably the most important in the development of the young child.  The sense of balance is perhaps the most intense to try and write in a short article!   My personal notes on this sense is well over fifteen pages and I have struggled for...
Saturday Senses – The Sense of Movement

Saturday Senses – The Sense of Movement

I am amazed as I sit down to write about each sense how much there is to say.  I could write an entire book on each sense!!  The science of this sense could fill a week of posts.  There was no way to put everything in but I encourage you to google sense of movement to...