The Twelve Senses

The Twelve Senses

Welcome to Saturday Senses! For the next twelve Saturdays I will feature one of the twelve senses.  I am absolutely passionate about this model and what it provides in understanding how we process life.  Actually, it is incredible to me that at the turn of the last...
Good Teaching Scents!

Good Teaching Scents!

According the Rudolph Steiner, the sense of smell has a direct impact on memory and thus is a great ally in the educational process.  However, he does warn to not over do it.  I think it is important to find subtle smells and use sparingly.  Remember that an adult's...
Hand “work”

Hand “work”

When a child exercises muscles in the hand,  she/he is actually forming the brain. Handwork, in the traditional sense, are activities such as sewing, darning, mending, embroidery, weaving and knitting.   One of my Waldorf mentors told me that handwork is deeply...