Transitions can be one of the most challenging parts of the teaching day. One of my best tips is to shift how you look at transitions. Clearly, transitions are the changing times between main activities and group times. It is often transport time and preparation time.
When you view it from this perspective – it is clear that transitions are a structural space. It is a structure that you are moving children from one place or activity to another – like a bridge.
I think it is vital to understand that transitions begin as a teacher directed and held space. Thankfully, some transitions will eventually become motor memory and the children will do them like breathing. But there are always a few transitions that require we continue to manage and hold the structural space.
In my experience – I have found there are two types of transition spaces:
- Waiting Space (in line or sitting in holding pattern)
- Moving Space (from one activity to another)
It is important to know what kind of transition you are crafting. They require different types of activities and training. More about that in a minute. First, I have a simple recipe for transitions: Preview, Provide, Prepare. These are there three crucial things I know I need to deliver during a transition. I like to think of a transition like a bridge:
This is the foundation of a successful transition. Children need a heads-up. I call it “priming the brain.” It is giving children the cues that one activity is coming to a close and another activity will be starting. This keeps children in a state of knowing what to expect next. Some children need this preview every single day.
- Use Verbal and Non-verbal cues for this preview.
- Use simple sign language cues.
- Try a special sounding tool for the most difficult transition so it has ‘its’ own auditory reminder (bell, drum, chime).
- Sing “We are going to wash our hands for lunch.”
- Many times children are more responsive to singing commands versus stated commands.
- Hold up Procedure Sign and preview next steps: (example Hand Washing before lunch)
- “Step One: Stand in Line”
- “Step Two: One Squirt of Soap & Rub hands together for the count of 10.”
- “Step Three: Rinse off Soap and dry hands.”“Remember: While we wait for our turn – we listen and do”
Consider this. If a transition is a ‘”space” then you must bring something to fill the space. Empty space = children will fill it with mischief! So this is the time to bring special transitional activities.
Important detail! Keep in mind there are two kinds of transitional activities. Expressive Transitions are those that you can use songs and normal level noise (like transitions inside the classroom).
Be sure to download my Teaching Songs book inside the subscribers area. One teacher printed it out with four songs to a page, laminated them and put the songs on a ring – ready to use as needed! Loved this idea! Here's it is in process. . .
Receptive Transitions are those that you need to remain quiet and not disturb others (like waiting in a school hallway). If you know you have to keep a group of 22 children quiet while they wait to go into the cafeteria – you need to have that “space” filled and crafted with appropriate silent activities.
Just like the Preview of the Bridge – we want to prepare children for the next activity. This can be as simple as a chant, song, high five or visual cue.
The goal is to prime and reaffirm in the brain – “We are beginning a new activity.”
The keynotes of transitions:
- Teacher holds the space (PREVIEW)
- Teacher engages students (PROVIDE)
- These are high energy times in the training process.
- Pick a song for the start of each major transition. This trains motor memory.
I'd love to hear your best tips for transitions.
I loved this post! Transitions are often an afterthought and the source of mischief and plans gone awry. I like to play “who am I” when children are gathered and we are waiting for others to join us. I give clues and children start guessing. I will state…I am thinking of a …… character. My character lives in a book or in a movie… My character is a boy….His first name starts with H. And I keep giving clues until they guess correctly. “Who am I” can be anything to which clues can be attached. It can be a color, a food, a letter or number, or even a person in the class… and the game works with young children or school aged children because you can give clues that are age appropriate. Once the children have played a few times and get the gist… then you can allow them to lead the game. I feel like there are learning opportunities in this game as children try to use the clues or develop their own clues. Thank you again for all that you do!
Love your transition!
Hi Sally,
I would like to have this Tranisition song book.
i couldn’t find it..
Hi! Go into the Teaching Library inside the Fairy Dust Teaching site! You will see all the free Ebooks. At the bottom you will see my Teaching Magic Songbook. Enjoy!
I really am having a hard time finding this. I have subscribed and I cannot access anything from the library, or find the library for that matter. Help!
So sorry to hear that Katie. Please email and we’ll send you the elibrary directly. Thanks!
This is my second year of Reggio and it will be so much better with all the support from your knowledge. I love the songs. I will be checking the teaching library.
Hi Sally,
I would love to have Transition song book but I am not able to find in the Teaching Library.
Is there a way of getting it?
Thank you.
Sandy, look now! It’s back in the library. Enjoy!
Got it! Thank you so much!
How do I get a copy of your Loose Parts: A Start Up Guide?
Hi Sarah! We’re so excited you want to learn more about loose parts. Just click here and enter your email to download the Loose Parts Start Up Guide. Enjoy!
I wasn’t able to get access to the ebooks… are they still available?
Hi Pam! The ebooks are definitely still available! Can you please email so we can help you out?