Here are four great ideas for reinforcing the basic kindergarten sight words. All the ideas include some element of fun – something very important!
Here is a great dice game for sight words.
My kinders LOVE dice games.
To download go to Learning With Mrs. Parker
Rainbow Sight Words
From: Kindergarten Lesson Plans
If it involves markers – it is a winner!
Singing the Sight Words
Sight Word Jewels
From Fairy Dust Teaching
What kindergartner doesn't love a little collection in a bag?
Thank you so much for the link back to our blog! You posted some great ideas:)
I love all the good stuff you have posted on sight words! Your blog is a wonderful resource!
Thank you so much for the shout out! I am glad that your students enjoy this activity.
Best wishes for the new year!
Love, love, love!!! thank you! I can’t wait until you get lessons posted!
I am a new follower. Happy new year.
I just happened upon your blog. Wow! Thanks for posting these ideas and sharing your own. Thank you!!