We have been busy bees in the kindergarten making all kinds of wonderful stuff.  Here are a few of the things in process.  I will post finished work tomorrow!  I have been having too much fun, forgetting to take photos! There are about five projects undocumented!

Sometimes it is nice just to enjoy the moment and not worry too much about documenting!   The holiday projects seem to take me away and into the joy of it all!  The holidays are important markers in our yearly round.  (I do find it irritating that stores begin “stocking shelves” so dag early!!  There is a time for every season as they say.)

I am a firm believer in celebrating the holidays in a full-five-senses-kind-of-way.  I can't imagine what my childhood memories would be like without these rich memories.  Kindergarten is a opportunity for wonderful memories!
I purchased these great little cardboard teepees from Oriental Trading.  They are adorable when put together.

I had the children make designs with oil pastels and then watercolor the whole thing in a mixture of red and yellow watercolor with a splash of blue.  Made a nice “hide” color!

I use an old sheet to build our teepee.  I was even given a teepee that I gave to the teacher next to me.  I prefer the sheet because the children can decorate it!  (I wash the sheet and most the markers wash right out!)

It is such a dear teepee with their sweet drawings. . .
I took our Native American headbands to a new level this year with watercolor paper, cut painted paper and dyed pasta.  I just had to go artsy.

The children made patterns out of the pasta. Cool beans. Uh, I mean cool pasta.

Happy Monday everyone!
