My Heart
I have been intending to post for the last few days but my heart has been focused else where. Last week my eldest daughter received a diagnosis of MS. The most difficult part has been the progressive nature of her disease and that she went from fully able bodied one month ago to totally dependent on help today. She can not walk without a cane and not for long at that. While she has already received a very expensive steroid treatment, improvement is slow. We moved her back home for safe keeping (to get to her apartment is a long climb upstairs).
The Star On Her Door
Yesterday, sitting outside on the lawn, sunning ourselves – my daughter said to me “I can be a victim and have a pitty party or I can have some power and create a better life.” Wow. I was really taken back by her positive attitude. She laughs a lot at her body that does not want to obey anymore. A visitor said to her, “Why do you laugh so?” She replied, “It is really insane I can't move my own leg! I can cry or laugh. I choose to laugh.” So wise a young woman she is. She has been a positive soul since birth. I remember she was that baby that slept, ate, and laughed. Not much crying. Amazing how much of the personality is displayed in those first few months.
Blue Monday
My family has begun a new journey. It is one day at a time. We have altered our diet completely under this new assault – taking up an anti-inflammatory diet plus no gluten, none of those yummy white powders (salt, sugar, flour). I love cooking and making delicious food is a balance of factors. Fresh herbs is key. I planted my herb garden today – one of the best secrets to luscious fresh food.
I am reminded as I look at the way life has changed in the matter of just days – that teaching is so much a one day at a time phenomena. I have no control over what life will bring my children. I have no control over what happens to the children I teach when they leave my classroom. But I can take the moments I do have and bring as much life and vitality as I can.
I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little blue about this new situation. But inside the blue, is a vast open space for a new level of life and radiance. Like blue skies, the sun shines there. It begins with what is so. And so it is. . .
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you venture through this new journey. Your daughter’s positive outlook is inspiring!
Sally- Your daughter is a true inspiration to us all. She has moved my spirit beyond belief. My thoughts and continued prayers are with her, you, and all your family. Please thank her for the inspirtation she has brought me today!!
I would like to also add my thoughts and prayers to your daughter and your family. So glad to hear about the dietary changes you are making. Your daughter is quite an inspiration. ~Alida
I know this must be really tough to deal with, and my heart goes out to you and your family. But your daughter sounds like an exceptional woman–and we already know that you are. Whatever gifts there are along this difficult journey, I know you all will find them.
Thank you for the courage and honesty you show in sharing this with us. My prayers and best wishes are with you.
Thinking of you and your family. Hope that altering the diet will help too…sounds like she has an excellent attitude, though. Prayers being sent your way! Colleen
Thank you everyone for your kind and caring comments ( and those of you who sent personal emails). I have been so taken back by the show of support and love. It means everything at this time. Your prayers and wishes are gold to my heart. Bless you all.
I cant even begin to imagine the hardship that your daughter and your family are going through. Your daughter seems so brave, my prayers are with her. You are an awesome mom!
I am so sorry about this turn of events, but your daughter’s attitude is amazing. I will be thinking of your family and hoping that she WILL have a better life with support of her family.
Thank you so much. Your thoughts and prayers fill my heart.