It All Begins With You.
The world needs you. Your unique teaching magic. It is time to put your stake in the ground. You teach because its a calling. We write this for you.
It is our gift.

At Fairy Dust Teaching we strive to curate new ideas, strategies and resources that save you time and energy. Here’s what makes us tick. . .
Our guiding principles:
Children’s rights matter.
Our business is built on the passion for the wonder and magic of early childhood. We believe young children have the right to play, to be collaborators in learning and to dream.
Education is a living, breathing art form.
In our experience, there is no cookie cutter formula for teaching. It is an art that requires incredible intentionality and heart.
Learn how to deepen
your teaching practice.
Dig into our teaching library and you’ll learn simple but effective strategies to use immediately!

Grab a bit of inspiration with hundreds of Fairy Dust Teaching blog posts that have been seen by over 50,000 teachers every month. Search our visual library for that just right spark.
There is a worldwide tribe of us . . . honoring children’s feelings, thoughts and opinions as important as our own. Listening deeply with our whole selves.