

I am so excited you are here! I have a welcome video above – so we can get to know each other!

We will dive into our work on July 21.. This is a beta run. This means I will be completely available to you to help you through the process in much more hands on fashion. This will give me valuable feedback on what might be missing from the course.

Okay the details!

  • You expect your log-in details to arrive on the 20th of July.
  • The course will be inside a private membership site.
  • The first module will be up and ready on July 21th. You will receive access to a new module every 3- 5 days. This will give you time to work through the material.
  • You will have lifetime access to this course and will receive all upgrades.

Your first assignment! Fill out this simple survey so I have a sense of who is coming to the course. Click here to take survey

Let me know if you have any other questions!
