Paper Buildings

Paper Buildings

This week during our skyscraper study – a student suggested we build a skyscraper out of paper.  I was amazed how he figured out to do it – paper tubes!  Here are a few photos of the children attempting the paper challenge! I taught my class how to...
Skyscapers and the Astonishing Philippe Petit

Skyscapers and the Astonishing Philippe Petit

I read the book “The Man Who Walked Between Towers” by Mordicai Gerstein to my kindergarten class.  It is the story of Philippe Petit, a tight rope walker, who walked between the Twin Towers in 1974.  I read the story first.  (Warning, I tear-up at the end...
Skyscrapers, Buildings, and Structures!

Skyscrapers, Buildings, and Structures!

This week my kinders are diving into a study of buildings – primarily skyscrapers.  Today I explained that skyscrapers have four main parts – the foundation, the beams (skeleton), stories, and facade.  I played a few youtube videos of New York's skyline as...