Snowball Village

Snowball Village

Last week I taught two classes for a new local museum.  My featured projects for both days – little habitats.   I have rarely seen a child who does not adore the task of creating a miniature world.  There is this amazing ability of a little world to pull the...

Leaf Lanterns Tutorial

You are currently reading our archived blog. While these older posts may not reflect our current vision and direction, we encourage you to visit our new website at to explore our latest, updated content. There, you'll find a wealth of valuable articles,...
A Reggio Inspired Classroom

A Reggio Inspired Classroom

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful Reggio inspired teacher, Mrs. Foshee.  Her room was fab!  Here is a sneak peek: Here is her number line.  Love, love it! The number is constructed out of tacks and yarn. Love the nature items. The letters were created...
Leaf Sewing!

Leaf Sewing!

What you will need: Leaves, hole punch, child' plastic needles and yarn. This one of my favorite fall activities!  There are two ways to do this! Hole Punched Leaves Using a hole punch – make holes around the edge of the leaf. Or let the children make the holes....
Oh My Stars!!

Oh My Stars!!

Today I received word that my kindergarten class' fairy garden was one of the winners in the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest (sponsored by one of my favorite blogs -The Magic Onions).  What a special honor and treat!  I highly recommend going over to The Magic Onions and...