Reggio-Inspired Academy Wait List

Sorry, Reggio Inspired Academy is closed


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_color=”%23ffffff”]Please fill in the form below so you can be the first to know when the doors to Reggio Inspired Academy re-open![/text_block]

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Meet Sally Haughey

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]She’s a Waldorf-trained teacher with a fine art degree. She first encountered Reggio practices at a Reggio-Inspired school. Not formally trained in the Reggio Emilia approach, Sally was inspired by the ideas. She translated the core concepts into a practical action plan for her next public school classroom… and was wowed with the difference it made for her young students.

After much experimentation and trial-and-error, Sally now teaches other early childhood educators, homeschool parents, administrators, classroom teachers and educational consultants how to create their own child-centered and curiosity-based classrooms.[/text_block]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]IMPORTANT!  If you are looking for true Reggio Emilia professional development – this is not the place!  There is absolutely no replacement for true Reggio Emilia training.  You can find these opportunities at

The views and understandings expressed in this training are based solely on our personal perspective of applying Reggio inspired ideas in a mainstream setting.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
