I woke up Saturday morning with a high fever, no voice, and my throat swollen & on fire.
My friends, worried, quickly found a doctor for me.  And here is what he prescribed.   He said my tonsils were swollen and perhaps infected.  🙁  He also felt I could have the flu.  I am unwilling for that to be the case!!!

It was so interesting.  His office was like something out of a 1950's Paris movie.  Huge windows.  Wild bohemian art.  Funky chairs.  I wish I had thought to take a photo.

Today I feel a little better.  I am reading a good book, tucked under the covers, resting so that I can be up and back to sight seeing tomorrow.

I opened the big windows in my apartment and let the cool, rainy air drift in as I slept and read.
The air smells so good.  Hearing the pitter patter of the rain was so soothing.
The apartment has windows all around it that open up to an inner courtyard.
We are smack in the middle of the Latin Quarter.

This is where I use the computer.

While getting sick was not in my plans – I must say – I have never had such wondrous sights, smells, and sounds.

It is all good.