This is such a sweet little project and super easy.   I purchased 24 – 4″ by 4″ little canvases for $6 using a 40% off coupon at Michaels.  The best deal available is at  You can purchase 24 for under $5.  I purchased the cheapest brand of liquid craft acrylic paints with these main colors – a happy lime green, a magenta, turquoise and gold metallic paint.

It is done in four simple steps:
 STEP ONE:  Have the children paint the entire canvas.  I provided two colors per table (a light and dark color such as light blue and dark blue.)
STEP TWO: (sorry no photos)After the paint dried, I had the children draw their picture on the canvas with a crayon.  I showed them how to draw a heart (make a v and put a m on top), a butterfly and a flower.  I let them choose which one to draw.

STEP THREE:  Gave the children a small selection of colors to choose from to paint their drawn image.  I guided their choices by asking – “What color would you like to make your heart” or “What color will the body of the butterfly be?”  This helps the children to refrain from just swirling colors into mud!    I also demonstrated how to make dots and marks with paint.
 STEP FOUR:  Trace the main image with a sharpie to bring it out.
I taped a ribbon on the back for hanging.


This was the children's gift to their parents for Valentine's Day.  It would also be a lovely Mother's Day Gift.  So simple but oh so cute!!