One of my favorite things to do with children is teach them how to draw.  I begin by taking them through the process step by step.  I use basic shapes and lines.  I do one part and then they do it – following my demonstration.   While everyone is doing the same drawing – each one turns out very unique and individual.  It reinforces shape vocabulary, elements of art, fine motor development and spatial relationships to name a few.  This drawing lesson was built around a story I have been telling the class about a Native American boy named Two Feathers.

Materials:  Sharpies, cardstock (or watercolor paper) and watercolor paints.  I introduce the use of sharpies in a small group setting so that I can teach proper use.


Draw a circle for the head.  Add two straight lines for the headband.

drawing, native, american

Make two feathers by making a “pointy” oval!

drawing, native, american

Add two eyes and a mouth.
Draw a rectangle for his buckskin jacket.

drawing, native american

Draw two smaller rectangles for the sleeves.  Add hands.

drawing, native, american

Draw a rectangle for the buckskin pants.  Add a straight line.

drawing, native, american

Using straight lines, make the fringe for the buckskin jacket and pants.

drawing, native, american

Draw two ovals for the moccasins.  Add the horizon line.
Draw a Native American home, sun, any details you would like.

drawing, native, american
Student adding details to drawing.

drawing, native, american

The final step is to watercolor the picture.  Using sharpies allows for this final step.

drawing, native, american

drawing, native, american
drawing, native, american