A little peek into my current housekeeping center:
I stock the center with lots of baking tools, containers of baking ingredients, the pretend bread items the children made, and more.
I put a little lamp on the table. It creates such a special mood.
I love to use the bright red and white gingham print for the playstands and in the window. I have this sweet table cloth I found at a garage sale that has red needle work for the table.
Play money, menus and ordering pads are the finishing touches.
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Thank you for you sprinkling your fairy dust!
Mrs. Krull
Of Primary Importance
Hi there. I have just fund your blog and I am blown away! I owned and managed a little preschool for the past 5 years in Ireland. Though I love the montessori method method of education and what it brings to the children, I have to say that I use it in a very progressive and flexible way. One thing that has always bothered me is the fact that Montessori did not believe in the use of fantasy/dramatic play in her classrooms. You have however inspired me and I find your home corner enchanting and so inviting. My biggest worry would be the management of a home corner. How can I prevent 15-17 kids to fight over this centre ? They will all want to have access to it immediately which will lead to chaos and tears?? How do you do it? Can you give me a few tips? Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and experiences with us!
I am so glad you found Fairy Dust Teaching! I am with you – I like to follow my instincts – not my ideals. I love using the jewels of the major early childhood movements (and I leave behind what does not feel right).
Regarding the home center, it is crowd control when I first open the center (I change it regularly as well – which means regular crowd control).
I love the Reggio/High Scope approach to having the children tell me what they plan to do during centers.
When the home center is full – I tell them to choose something else – many times extending their original wants into another area.
For example – if home center is full – the child might decide to make felt noodles for the center. I always have the children making things for home center at the art table. Once you unleash their imagination and creative thinking = they will have the flexibility to dream of things to make and do.
Thank you so much!!! It’s fantastic… I am going to learn soooo much reading all your posts!!!
I am a grandmother of 3. One is 16 and his only play mode is video games. On the other hand, my daughters 2 children are a girl almost 5 years old and a boy almost 1 year. I love your site. Even before my daughter got married, I started buying up barbies with furniture, clothes and accessorites in addition to a Kitchen Center that has a stove, microwave, sink, refridgerator and storage. I also got play food, cooking pots and pans, utensils and play dinner wear set, which my Granddaughter can not get enough of. At almost 5 she loves to pretend cook and serve us play meals on the dishes. It has been wonderful seeing her evolve in the detail with which she plays. When we get out the Barbies, no one can get in the living room unless you were there to begin with.
From a Grandparents’ point of view, Thank you so much for sharing, at least I know I am on the right track. Had I see your site when she was around 3 – 4 I would have homemade playdoe with her, but as it stands, her Mom is just now letting her get into it.
Keep it up you are an inspiration.
I like this as it is open ended for the children to use their props in a way that interests them
This is so good! I never thought of children’s stories that way and it makes so much sense!!! It does create understanding for the children and how they can understand the real world by relating to the story. I love what you said, “..the more senses you engage -the more anchors you create in the brain”